What kind of services do advocates in Dubai offer?
Advocates in Dubai are special kinds of lawyers who represent their clients in the court of law. Be sure to seek recommendations from the court or your embassy for proper direction to the best advocates to handle your matters to your satisfaction.
Advocates deal in many services which include:
Debt collection
Advocates in the debt recovery department, help clients, individuals, and companies in recovering their overdue debts. They are well trained to set up debt collections with the broadest standards of integrity and maintain the client’s confidentiality for safety purposes. Advocates specializing in debt collection can stop at nothing but conduct an extensive search of the debtor’s assets and investments via the UAE Courts to assist clients to recover their debts.
Banking and finance
Advocates serve as advisors to banking and financial institutions on all aspects relating to banking and financial laws. Due to their extensive experience, advocates offer advice to international institutions, give directions on aspects of finance operations, implementing complex transactions, structuring, registration, and licensing of financial institutions.
Dispute resolution
Advocates are well skilled and versed in all aspects of litigation covering every level of the Dubai judicial system. You should however ensure that the advocate you’ve chosen is registered and authorized by UAE Law Regulators so that you don’t have a problem in court representation.
Local knowledge backed by affiliations with foreign law firms is one of the major key components to practice by professional advocates as it contributes to special handling of large-scale disputes in a culturally sensitive manner.
Family disputes and matters
Family advocates need to understand how that family issues are delicate and sensitive and should be handled with much confidentiality. Family issues cannot just be handled by anyone, you have to have gained much trust and loyalty to allow someone to handle your family matters. Such matters are dealt with under the Personal Status Law in UAE.
Corporates Commercial Law
Corporate commercial laws govern corporates as well as companies. Skilled advocates are aware of the Dubai division into two areas, that is, the corporate that falls within the jurisdiction of Dubai Courts and the other corporate that falls under the free zone
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